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世界遗产标准vii是UNESCO用以评价遗产地审美 价值的重要准则,由标准iii演化而来,从文化与自然美的混 合评价转向了仅对自然美学特征评价。选取以标准vii列入世 界遗产名录的145处项目(1978—2017年),通过扎根理论 及分析,总结其运用特征、演化趋势和动因考辨。研究发现: 1)地区层面,不同地区运用标准vii所关注的审美价值具有差 异,如非洲关注色彩美学,欧洲和北美强调风景特质组合,亚 太地区重视强烈的自然文化关联、动态变化和组合关系,南美 和加勒比地区注重审美体验;2)词频运用层面,标准vii在各 地区的词频运用差异显著,各地区使用词频最高的为关于美的 “形容词”,除欧洲之外,其余地区代表“之最”特点的词频 次之;3)评价要点层面,欧洲和北美的风景特质评价具有很 强的特点与范式。最后解析了标准vii运用趋势与18世纪以来 的美学思想演变的内在联系;以期为标准vii的全球普世价值 与地区价值认知以及标准vii后续研究提供依据。  相似文献   
在通常的风景园林书籍中,未曾明确将人及其活动列入景观设计的要素。喜欢观看他人及被人观看是人的本性之一。明确提出并论述应将人及其活动列入景观及景观设计之要素的必要性。在风景园林等景观场所的规划设计中,将人及其活动作为景观要素之一加以考虑,必将进一步拓宽景观规划设计的视野,增加其维度,有助于提升景观设计的水平,使所设计的景观更加人性化,更加体现以人为本的理念,为建设美丽中国,留住乡愁作出贡献。  相似文献   
基于卡普兰复愈性环境理论,运用脑机接口设备、智能腕带传感器等无线生理指标检测技术,测试大学生被试人群在沉浸式虚拟现实(VR)情境下,对4种复愈性环境及城市环境在注意力恢复和压力减轻方面的反应及其作用强度,获得被试在不同环境中脑电、心率、肌电的客观生理数据。采用非参数统计方法R语言对数据进行分析。结果显示,多数被试在复愈性环境中较城市环境表现出更好的注意力恢复效果。其中具有逃离性和迷人性特征的自然环境,复愈效果最为明显;在虚拟现实环境中,观赏城市环境图片也具有一定的复愈效果。  相似文献   
老年人绿地使用频率与其体力活动水平和健康生活质量密切相关,且严重依赖绿地自身及周边建成环境。针对既有研究多集中于可达性分析的局限性,从可达性和吸引力双重视角出发,结合大连市老年人绿地活动调查数据,深入探究建成环境与老年人绿地使用频率的统计学关联性。研究发现:与空间临近性相比,绿地实际可达性对老年人活动的影响更为显著;不同绿地类型影响老年人的使用频率,社区公园和游园是高频体力活动的重要场所;此外,高品质的绿地环境、与居住用地相混合、临近生活性街道,以及周边多样化网点布局,均可正向调节老年人绿地使用频率。为营造老年友好型绿地,从空间配置、场所塑造、路径可达和功能诱发4个方面,提出结构化的建成环境优化策略。  相似文献   
现有的BIM应用软件提供的乔木模型多为RPC或高 精度3D模型等3D CAD类型。这些模型着重于表达美感或进 行展示,无法反映根系情况。虽然可能包含一定附加属性,但 表达乔木生长和空间需求的功能有限。因而,冲突检查、工序 调度等BIM的优势功能无从应用。风景园林实践领域已就此问 题开始构建自己的模型库,但能够准确反映现状树木真实尺寸 体量,以及现状树木和规划树木未来空间需求的模型仍未广泛 出现。提出一种基于树冠、树干和根系构型与生长功能的实体/ 网面封装建模方法构建BIM乔木模型。模型形态通过一组参数 调整,并根据树龄和反映环境限制因子的值来反映其变化。所 包含的数据和参数数量随后期设计阶段所需的LoD(详细层级) 及专业实践的具体要求而增加。该模型可以与提供本地区内外 苗木商品信息的植物数据库连接使用。  相似文献   
The paper deals with the process of searching and inventorying of relict - so-called pre-industrial landscape - in Moravia (approximately 1/3 of the territory in the east of the Czech Republic). So far, during the inventory of pre-industrial landscape segments in Moravia, around 1,500 land use mosaic areas have been registered, surviving without significant changes since the completion of maps of the so-called stable cadastre realized in the 1830s to the present. Each of these areas with a steady mosaic has been supplemented with substantial quantitative and qualitative characteristics. This paper presents the results of geodatabase analysis of segments of the pre-industrial landscape concerning the sea elevation and morphology of the area. The results show that although numerous parts of stable ancient landscapes have been preserved at higher altitudes, they reach larger separate areas and larger aggregate areas at lower altitudes with more fertile soils. Hypotheses attempting to explain this territorial disparity are also presented in the text of the paper.  相似文献   
Researchers have spent substantial effort to identify factors influencing pesticide use intensity. However, few studies have compared the relative importance of these factors. This study examines four categories of factors that potentially influence farmers’ pesticide use decisions by evaluating incentivized experiment data, farm survey data, and remote sensing data in China. Our results suggest that land diversification has the largest effect on farmers’ pesticide use. Compared with the most rice-intensive landscape type, less rice-intensive systems cause farmers to spray less on middle rice. Heavy pesticide use intensity is associated with land fragmentation as small-scale farms still dominate crop production. Farmers’ integrated pest management knowledge has significant effects on pesticide use. We also find that loss and ambiguity preferences, rather than risk preferences, are more likely to affect pesticide use intensity.  相似文献   
Mapping and modeling non-material benefits such as scenic beauty, heritage, leisure and its associated subjective dimensions raise numerous challenges. There is thus the need to forge new methodological approaches in order to include people's preferences into tourism planning and management. This work presents a spatially explicit modeling approach to assess and map Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) in landscapes with a tourist vocation. The results show that landscape users (local residents, entrepreneurs and tourists) prefer land covers such as rocky outcrops and Atlantic Forest, which are associated with CES such as aesthetics and recreation/ecotourism. Our results also show that Araucaria and Atlantic Forest are associated to CES hotspots with high degree of multifunctionality. The method we propose likely contributes to advancing the modeling of CES based on the preferences of landscape users. This method can be applied for better management and spatial planning of tourist destinations.  相似文献   
Background and aims: IDegLira, a fixed ratio combination of insulin degludec and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide, utilizes the complementary mechanisms of action of these two agents to improve glycemic control with low risk of hypoglycemia and avoidance of weight gain. The aim of the present analysis was to assess the long-term cost-effectiveness of IDegLira vs liraglutide added to basal insulin, for patients with type 2 diabetes not achieving glycemic control on basal insulin in the US setting.

Methods: Projections of lifetime costs and clinical outcomes were made using the IMS CORE Diabetes Model. Treatment effect data for patients receiving IDegLira and liraglutide added to basal insulin were modeled based on the outcomes of a published indirect comparison, as no head-to-head clinical trial data is currently available. Costs were accounted in 2015?US dollars ($) from a healthcare payer perspective.

Results: IDegLira was associated with small improvements in quality-adjusted life expectancy compared with liraglutide added to basal insulin (8.94 vs 8.91 discounted quality-adjusted life years [QALYs]). The key driver of improved clinical outcomes was the greater reduction in glycated hemoglobin associated with IDegLira. IDegLira was associated with mean costs savings of $17,687 over patient lifetimes vs liraglutide added to basal insulin, resulting from lower treatment costs and cost savings as a result of complications avoided.

Conclusions: The present long-term modeling analysis found that IDegLira was dominant vs liraglutide added to basal insulin for patients with type 2 diabetes failing to achieve glycemic control on basal insulin in the US, improving clinical outcomes and reducing direct costs.  相似文献   
为解决绵阳卷烟厂卷包生产过程中存在的设备自控关联性差、连锁方式难以改变、分散的设备与生产运行难以监控、生产管理模式难以满足柔性化生产等问题,引进了卷包集控系统,并对该系统的三层网络结构进行了规划设计、对比分析。通过改变三个网络层次之间的连接方式、网络拓扑结构,使卷接包生产因集控系统网络故障引起的停机时间降到最低。应用效果表明,改进后的网络结构有利于缩小网络规模,控制网络风险,保证数据交换,避免I/O整体失控,有效提高了通信网络的安全性和稳定性及网络资源的利用率。  相似文献   
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